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Skype Webinar 

“Sade sati - Examination of Karma

for 7.5 years"

February 20 (Saturday) at 9:30 a.m


… or that is when a person comes to an astrologer. What is it?

75% people go to an astrologer precisely during Sade Sati, because that is the moment when we take the "Karma exams".


Every person has it once every 28 yearsyears, of which 7.5 years we take Karma exams - Sade Sati time. The planet that regulates karma is Saturn, so it is this planet with its characteristics that will determine the events of this period.


What is this period of time - Sae Sati, which forces us humans to change ourselves so radically and get to know reality?

For men, this period of Sade Sati is mostly manifested in complications at work and in connection with income, but for women more in the family and in connection with children.


Sade Satithe first stage– exam in relationships, sex, mysticism, spending and discipline in these spheres. Illusion and its realization.
Many couples divorce during this period or have children, which bring significant adjustments to the relationship.

Sade Satithe second stage– Self-discipline, health care, communication with relatives and business partners, service to society. Golden stage.

Sade Satithe third stage– Income, money spending problems (accounting and accounting), feelings in the family and creating traditions in the family, relationship with mother and disciplining children decrease.
Many wrongly invest the money they successfully earned during Sade Sati.


During the webinar we will find out:

What stage of sade sati are you at?
How to prepare for this stage and what to expect, what will end?

What to expect if Sade Sati goes to a partner?

What is the "great karmic exam" that we have to pass and in whose sphere?


Laws of Sade Sati:

- Everything that begins also ends Sade sati;
- For women who have children up to the age of 16, Sade Sati takes over the child;
- If the man is the main money earner, then the husband's Sade Sati also leaves a great impression on the whole family, especially on the financial sphere.


Find out for free or:
- Sade Sati will begin for you and your children;
- To you
and for your children Sade Sati will end;

- How long until the end of Sade Sati?


Reviews from

for previous seminars:


Participation fee: 15 EUR

Advance application by phone +371 28639626.

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