Prices of Vedic astrologers in Latvia
To make it easier to draw conclusions about the availability of Vedic astrologers and consultation prices, I have combined here information from publicly available data and websites
Jānis Riežnieks
Average hourly rate for consultation: 50 euros (h)
Website: www.yoga-astrologija.com
web reviews: www.yoga-astrologija.com/atsauksmes
Consults in person and on Skype

Ines Davidson
Average hourly rate for consultation: 80 euros (h)
web source for prices:http://www.astrologika.lv/astrologa-konsultacijas.html
About the astrologer and reviews: http://www.astrologika.lv/par-mani.html
Consults in person and on Skype

Baiba Stūrite
Average hourly rate per consultation: 120 euro (h)
web source for priceshttp://www.baibasturite.com/konsultacijas/vediska-astrologa-konsultacijas-baiba-sturite/
About astrologer and reviews:: http://www.baibasturite.com/vediskais-astrologs-riga/
Consults in person and on Skype

Juris Erenpreis
Average hourly rate per consultation: 60 euro (h)
web source for priceshttp://www.shakti.lv/lv/astrologa-konsultacija
About the astrologer and reviews: http://www.shakti.lv/lv/juris-erenpreiss
Consults in person (no information found on Skype consultations)

Average hourly rate per consultation: 60 euro (h)
web source for priceshttp://www.shakti.lv/lv/astrologa-konsultacija
About the astrologer and reviews: http://www.shakti.lv/lv/jelena-minajeva
Consults in person (no information found on Skype consultations)

dr. Gun Wolf
Average hourly rate per consultation: 50 euro (h)
web source for prices: http://www.triguna.lv/lv/dzotisa-veda/Jyotish%20%20/
About the astrologer and reviews: http://www.triguna.lv/lv/par-mums/
PS Specialist in health issues.
Consults in person and on Skype

Atis Zariņš
Average hourly rate for consultation:
Consultation up to 20 min. EUR 60
Consultation up to 40 min. EUR 120
Consultation up to 1 hour. EUR 180
web source for prices: https://shiva.center/lv/product-cat/konsultacijas/
About astrologer and reviews: no information
PS Specialist in Vedic rituals.
Consults in person and on Skype

Average hourly rate for consultation:
Consultation up to 20 min. EUR 60
Consultation up to 40 min. EUR 120
Consultation up to 1 hour. EUR 180
web source for prices: https://shiva.center/lv/product-cat/konsultacijas/
About astrologer and reviews: no information
PS Specialist in Vedic rituals.
Consults in person and on Skype

If I have forgotten someone, please send information to e-mail
Average hourly rate per consultation: xx euro (h)
web source for prices: www....
About astrologer and reviews: www....
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