Uttara Ashada nakshatra
BHARANI(In translation, Bharani - that which carries on itself. Bharani comes from the word "bhaga" Bharani - birth, when the ego arises)
Symbol - Several symbols, one of them the yoni, specifically the womb. The second symbol is the mother elephant.
The goal is artha.
Animal – Mother Elephant
Graha – See (Shukra)
Deva - yama - god of death. Yama translates to "controller"
Shakti – Endurance, transformation through suffering
Description of the day:
BHARANI Professions: Feeds others with flesh and blood and eats it themselves, cruel people, profession related to cruelty, crimes, putting in jail, punishing others, beating, killing, money changing, financier, accountant, without character, people dishonest, work related with burial, actors, musicians, dancers, artists, hunters, criminals
21-Uttara Ashadha
Uttarashada (26˚40' Sagittarius – 10˚00' Capricorn)
In heaven
Uttarashadu, the mountain of solar energy, is represented in the sky by a cluster of four bright stars, the shape of which was compared to the tusks of an elephant in ancient times. In modern astronomy they are known as Sigma-Sagittarii (Ascella), Tau-Sagittarii (Phi-Sagittarii) and Sigma-Sagittarii (Ascella) . These four stars are located in the terminal part of the astronomical constellation Sagittarius. Jāatzīmē, ka Uttarashada ietekme attiecas arī uz pirmajiem 10 grādiem Mežāža zvaigznājā. Nunki zvaigzne ar vizuālā spožuma koeficientu 2.07 is the brightest among all. According to an ancient legend, Uttarashada the stars are located in that part of the sky where the divine forces achieved their ultimate victory over the demonic forces.
Uttarashada translates as "the last invincible" or "the last unconquered". The translation captures the essence of this constellation, as it has more in common with the concept of "ultimate victory" than any other nakshatra. Nosaukums atklāj, ka Uttarashada veido pāri ar savu priekšgājēju Purvashadhu tieši tāpat, kā_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_Purvaphalguni pairs with Uttaraphalguni.
The main symbol is the elephant's tusks. It is the most valued anatomical part of the elephant. Elephants are usually aware of this and protect their tusks very diligently. Researchers have found that the type, color and size of tusks are the things that determine the leader of an elephant herd. The following - also Uttarashadai has much in common with the characteristics of a leader. Apart from the visual effect, elephant tusks are good for only one practical purpose - fighting. Līdzīgi kā iepriekšējam zvaigznājam Purvashadhai, arī Uttarashadai ir daudz darāmā saistībā ar agresīvām darbībām, kā piemēram – kara pieteikumiem . Kā jau iepriekš bija teikts, Uttarashada un Purvashadha veido pāri un līdz ar to daži astrologi attiecina ilkņu simboliku uz for both constellations, the right canine belongs to Uttarashadai and the left canine belongs to Purvashadhai.
In most ancient cultures that knew elephants, they were part of royal regalia. Kings and deities—including Indru, the main one—were believed to ride on elephants both in procession and in warfare. -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_is thus directly attributable to royalty and all the responsibility that comes with it. Responsibility is the key word of this nakshatra. Because of their obvious features, elephant tusks are also considered symbols of immersion and understanding. Above all, it indicates mental immersion and the ability to go in new directions, as well as fearlessness and the spirit of a pioneer.
Uttarashadai has ten presiding deities known as Ten Vishvadevas. They are universal deities. The names of these celestial beings are "goodness", "truth", "willpower", "skill", "time", "desire", "certainty", "forerunners", "brilliancy", "summit". It is clear that these ten deities are absolutely benevolent and represent the primary creative forces of the divine spark. It can be said that they protect everything that can be understood by the word "good" in the universe. In the same way, Uttarashada also embodies in itself all that is benign and positive. All the qualities which are expressed through the Ten Vishvadevs find their expression in the Uttarashad also.
Tas atšķir Uttarashadu no Purvashadas, lai gan lielākā daļa minēto īpašību piemīt arī_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_Purvashadai. Qualities like willpower and determination Uttarashadā are more present than their predecessors.
All these qualities are seen to be born out of honest self-analysis, which makes Uttarashada an introspective nakshatra unlike the extroverted, showy Purvashadas.
It is interesting to note that one of the deities is named as "ancestors". It Uttarashadu is more tied to tradition like her predecessor Maghu. Uttarashada ir pirmā nakšatra, kura cenšas pārņemt priekšteču kvalitātes (to pašu dara arī Dhanishta un Revati). Gribasspēku var asociēt ar Ardru vai Krittiku, prasmi ar Hastu_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_un Chitru, laiku ar Bharani un Anuradha,_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_vēlmes ar Bharani, Rohini, Mrigashira vai Ashlesha, labestību ar_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Ashvini, Purnavasu, Pushya, patiesību ar Uttaraphalguni,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5 8d_noteiktību ar Uttaraphalguni, Vishakha, Jyestha, priekštečus ar Magha, spožumu ar Rohini, Mrigashira, Purvaphalguni, Chitra_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_and peak with Mula, Purvashadha.
Ganesha, the only elephant-headed deity, is the presiding deity of this nakshatra. Stāsts par to, kā Ganesha ieguva savu ziloņa galvu, lielā mērā atspoguļo Uttarashadas būtību._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Ganesha is always shown with an intact right tusk and a broken left tusk. It indicates Uttarashadas characteristics and fullness of energy compared to the even nakshatra – Purvashadu. Ganesha thus connects the two nakshatras and is considered the "deity of all beginnings" and the "remover of obstacles". Hence his blessing is always sought. Also Uttarashada is associated with new beginnings and activities undertaken under the influence of this nakshatra are seen to be blessed with good fortune and permanence.
Character and action
Daudzas no Maghas kvalitātēm – piemēram, elegance, tradicionālisms, autoritāte, respekts pret pieklājību ir līdzīgas arī Uttarashadai._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_However Uttarashadai has a more positive, introspective and endurance aspect. It indicates a person of very good qualities whose advice is highly valued. It gives a talent for starting new activities and carrying them through to the end. This is a very practical and innovative energy, as much of the nakshatra falls under the practical and achievement-seeking sign of Capricorn. Uttarashada is associated with structures and order and forces a person to hold tightly to activities that are respectable, sometimes conformist. A connection with the ancestors shows a deep respect for traditional values and a desire to uphold these values in one's life and behavior. However, Saturn's influence can give a person great steadfastness and toughness, just as the piercing symbolism of an elephant's tusk is associated with steadfastness.
There may be a lack of tolerance for things that do not toe the line of respectability. Spiritual and philosophical motivation is aimed at solving practical life problems.
The mongoose is considered to be the animal characterizing the sexual expression of the nakshatra. It is one of the few who can defeat the snake. To some extent Uttarashada is in complete opposition to what is advocated by Aslesha because the nakshatra houses are opposite each other (6, 7, 8). There is even open hostility and fighting. Uttarashadai there is minimal tolerance for covert or misleading influences. But the mongoose is cunning in its own special way and its symbolism indicates courage and wisdom to move forward in difficult, dangerous situations.
People with a strong Uttarashada influence tend to or attract life situations that represent many challenges. On a spiritual level, it gives a person the determination to strive through the "veil" of the illusion of life to discover the true essence of their soul.
In the universal order of things Uttarashada is associated with 'apradhrishya shakti' – the power to gain lasting victory. Characteristics of power at the highest level – achievable goals, at the lowest level – the ability to achieve these goals. The image is self-explanatory. The only thing worth mentioning is not personal power, but collective power, which arises in union with the highest, or God's will, when a person tries with all his heart to establish the victory of justice over injustice.
Expression type
Uttarashada is a balanced nakshatra. It doesn't need much comment. Any kind of balance requires some center and Uttarashada is closer to that center than any other nakshatra. Both from a universal and from a personal point of view. There is a saying that "the road from excess leads to the palace of wisdom", and one must know that the palace of wisdom includes both foundations and balance.
Varna (caste)
Uttarashada belongs to the warrior (Kshatriya) caste. It is mostly concerned with gaining a strong position in society. As we have already seen, it primarily concerns management issues and the leading strata of society. Saskaņā ar Manu (pirmais planētas likumdevējs), visi vadoņi un karaļi ir zem Kshatriya kastas._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Uttarashadai there are Brahmin tendencies, but they often manifest directly Kshatriya vardā. A good king is like a wise one, but still not the wise one. In fact Janak is the only worldly king who was given the title of Brahmin (see the Vedic legend Ramayana).
Uttarashada is a female nakshatra. This classification is somewhat contrary to conventional wisdom, as all the presiding deities and planetary powers of this nakshatra are malefic. The only way to understand this is to consider that all the ten divine attributes are represented in the feminine in the Vedic texts. Vēdiskie teksti visas šīs īpašības uzrāda kā piemītošas dabai un līdz ar to Visuma sievišķajam principam. Uttarashada ir nakšatra, kurai ir vairāk labdabīgs funkcionēšanas veids Maya_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_within than the masculine principle of the universe.
Ayurvedic constitution of the body
Thighs and waist are the body parts associated with this nakshatra. It is primarily kapha (water) nakshatra. Ziloņi, kas cieši saistīti ar šo nakšatru, tiek uzskatīti par galvenajiem piemēriem kapha uzbūvei. Kapha šeit veidojas no combinations of earth and a small amount of water element. The earth element is provided by the presence of the Capricorn constellation (it contains most Uttarashada nakshatras), and the water element – Jupiter (part of the bb3b-136bad5cf58d_is included in the constellation of Sagittarius, the sign of Jupiter).
Celestial sides (directions)
Nakshatra mostly associated with south, west, northeast, east.
Padas (Night Quarters)
1. pada : 26˚40” – 30˚00” Sagitarius atbilst Sagittarius navamsa_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_and is ruled by Jupiter. Justice, confidence and expansion are the hallmarks of this quarter. Everything seems possible when one works with this padai possessing energies. It has a special faith in its abilities, knowledge and understanding. Tā vienlaicīgi ir pushkara pada un vargottama pada un planētas, kuras šeit atrodas, dod spēcīgus materiālus/garīgus rezultātus. Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Ketu are particularly strong here. Jupiter gives the best results.
2nd pada: 00˚00” – 3˚20” Capricorn corresponds Capricorn navamsa ruled by Saturn. The emphasis here is on the concretization and material manifestation of thoughts, plans and desires. Planets placed here give iron nerves. The second padas main features revolve around the personality itself and its expression in the external world. The goal here is more important than the means. There may be excessive attention and attachment to the worldly, and there may also be dealings with power structures. Mars and Saturn have the ability to make the best use of these energies.
3. pada: 3˚20” – 6˚40” Capricorn atbilst Aquarius navmasa, ko pārvalda Saturn. The emphasis is on accumulation – be it knowledge or material gains. In this part a strong family principle can be observed. Planets give good results when other people are also involved in achieving goals. Group or team work can be essential to the good functioning of the pada. In this padā Rahu, Mercury and Saturn feel good. Saturn gives the best results.
4. pada: 6˚40” – 10˚00” Capricorn atbilst Pisces navamsa, ko pārvalda Jupiters . This pada promotes physical prowess, short journeys, courage and philanthropy. Here there is a constant conflict between material and spiritual values - a person tries to achieve a balance. Nowadays, however, the material more often prevails. Planets placed here give an abundance of energy to achieve goals. The Moon, Mars and Saturn are the best transmitters of this energy.
Preachers; priests; advisors; astrologers; lawyers; judges; representatives of official bodies; psychologists; military personnel; work related to horses, elephants, birds; researchers; martial arts masters; athletes; business managers; organizers; defense force industry representatives; authoritative representatives of various industries; teachers; security guards; high class attendants; bodyguards; personnel of security bodies; hunters; rangers; representatives of the construction industry; cricket masters; holistic practitioners; politicians. Professions that require responsibility and ethical behavior.
Prairies, flat savannahs, hilly forests, national parks, wilderness areas, nature reserves, government buildings, courts, religious buildings, universities, military bases, traditional towns, elite clubs and societies, sports stadiums, cricket grounds.
Guna (Essence) and Tattwa (Element)
Uttarashada is a sattvish nakshatra, Its auspicious, balanced nature is seen through the ten deities that preside over it (Ten Vishvadevas).
Uttarashada belongs to the element of air, which is mainly associated with the presence of Saturn. Except for ether, air is the most encompassing element. Uttarashadai, to whom many things relate to responsibility, equality and justice, such an overarching framework is important in which her 10 virtues can manifest. properties.
Ghana (type)
Uttarashada belongs to the human (manusha) type. Tā kā vadošās dievības ir Vishvadevas un Vishva savukārt ir jēdziens, ar ko apzīmē laicīgās un pasaulīgās dzīves aktivitātes, tad this nakshatra is intensely involved in the manifestations of earthly life. It is said that the 10 good qualities can only manifest when a being is incarnated in human form. This is the reason why a large number of astral beings compete to be born as human beings under suitable conditions.
Orientation and Disposition
Uttarashada is an ascending nakshatra, so good for things that tend to grow and progress over time. It has already been mentioned that all activities initiated under the positive influence of Uttarashada develop with great leaps and gain independence. Another point of view – Uttarashada takes the baton from a good result to an even better one.
Uttarashada is a fixed or permanent nakshatra (Dhruva). Ja kāda nakšatra ir uzskatāma par noturīgu, tad tā ir Uttarashada. Faktiski visas kvalitātes, kas asociējas ar Dhruva_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_(dēmonu karaļa dēls, kurš bija dedzīgs Vishnu pielūdzējs), ir raksturīgas arī Uttarashadai. Par godu šim character, one of the pole stars is named Dhruvatara in Vedic texts.
Continuing in this same vein, one can understand that Uttarashada is the center of all good qualities around which the game of life revolves.
Month and day
Uttarashada is associated with the second half of the lunar month Ashadha , a period that is late July in the solar calendar.
Šī nakšatra saistīta arī ar Purnima (15. tithi vai pilnmēness diena), kura katru mēnesi iestājas augoša in the phase of the moon.
Beneficial activities
Planning new beginnings; planning in general; starting new things; foundation laying; all religious and spiritual activities; putting things in order; activities that require good perception and good judgment; all types of business transactions; signing contracts; authoritative transactions; artistic events; marriages; sexual activities; entering a new place of life; public, political and legal affairs.
Adverse activities
Unfavorable for travel, summary or conclusion of matters. Everything is auspicious in the universe except illegal activities. Unethical, primitive, reckless behavior is not allowed here.
Planet –manager
Uttarashada main ruler is Sun. The solar principle, which is born Krittika in the nakshatra, reaches its zenith here. In theory, it would suffice to say that the Sun does not exist after this nakshatra. This means that the soul's ability to influence its environment and surroundings reaches its peak in this nakshatra. Seen from the highest aspect, the will of the individual is fully aligned with the universal will and thus activities on the worldly level are possible without the presence of ego or selfishness. The understanding of good and bad that is needed here is no longer related to the laws of human society, but to universal, divine principles. This is a nakshatra where ego and individuality are sacrificed for the greater good.
Since Uttarashada is in Sagittarius and Capricorn, then Jupiter and Saturn have a strong relationship with it. It can be noted that Jupiter and Saturn rule all four padas. The influence of expansive Jupiter and "contracting" Saturn gives restraint and practicality. As Jupiter reaches its peak of weakness in the Capricorn part of this nakshatra, this part is not suitable for excessive expectations, idealism, expansiveness or outwardly manifested religious rituals. Simply put, it is a place for actions, not words. A concrete practical action must form the material world in accordance with the laws of the universe.
Jupiter/Saturn, Sun/Jupiter, Sun/Saturn and Sun/Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions create Uttarashadai similar energetic forces. Planets like Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, unless they are operating from their highest aspect, make a person too materialistic when placed in Capricorn nakshatras. All the planets placed in this nakshatra are disposed to excessive idealism unless the will of the individual works in harmony with the universal will. Any mistake in this nakshatra can be magnified due to its tremendous ability to influence the material world.
Sounds and letters
1. padai: "Be" similar to Beth.
2. padai: "Bo" similar to Bohemian.
3. padai: "If" similar to the word Jardine.
4. padai: "Ji" similar to the word Jimi.
In the Sanskrit alphabet Uttarashada corresponds to "Bha", hence the mantra is "Om Bham".
Sexual type and compatibility
Uttarashadai, as mentioned above, corresponds to mongoose. First of all, this nakshatra is not very sexual. This is clear from the fact that there is no paired animal among the other nakshatras that is in any way compatible with the mongoose. Simply put, sexuality is not Uttarashadas the proper domain.
Esoteric Explanation
Uttarashadai heroism, tragedy, divinity, esotericism, imposed devotion and regeneration are fully represented in the legend of Ganesha dzim.
"Parvati created a son born of her own mind, who was told to guard her and not let anyone near her while Parvati bathed herself. Hence Parvati son blocked the entrance when her husband Shiva returned home. Shiva had not seen this boy before and did not know who he was, while the boy did not know Shiva. Sharp words were exchanged and a fight broke out. Shiva couldn't beat the boy and had to rest. He felt humiliated after his failure in the fight with the child and called for help Vishnu and the other gods to deal with it. However, even all the gods together could not defeat the boy in the following battle. maces (wands) in the hands of the boy. Vishnu believed that the boy could not be defeated as long as they had this mace in their hands. Plāns izdevās un Shiva ar savu trijžuburi nocirta zēnam galvu, kamēr Vishnu „nesējs”, debesu iemītnieks_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Garuda sakampa from behind boy wali. As the boy was born in Parvati 's mind, she herself instantly learned of the boy's death and the whole battle that took place was instantly before her eyes._cc781905-5cde-3194cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Parvati -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_kļuva nikna un sasauca visas universā mītošās Shakti (jeb sievišķos spēkus), lai radītu Vishnu, Shivam_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_and the other gods of chaos. The whole creation was completely "mown down" and the gods themselves almost lost their minds in fear. 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_will not be immediately appeased. This could only be done by quickly bringing the boy back to life. Vishnu commanded the gods to descend on the earth and take the head of the first creature they met. Dievi ieraudzīja ziloni un nekavējoties atgriezās ar ziloņa galvu. Vishnu un Shiva pievienoja ziloņa galvu zēna ķermenim, un zēns reborn again. At last Parvati the anger subsided and order was once again restored to the universe. Zēnu nosauca par Ganeshu, kas tulkojumā nozīmē „visu cilšu vadonis” un par godu viņam tika nolemts, ka Ganesha_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_must be worshiped before all other gods”.
Uttarashada is the 21st nakshatra and according to ancient beliefs, the number 21 is called the "mage's crown". Kronis šeit droši vien nozīmē septīto sakrālo centru jeb Sahasrara čakru, kura ir kundalini atpūtas vieta. The Pythagoreans considered this number very special, because 21 is formed by the combination of two sacred numbers 3 and 7. We know that there are three channels – ida, pingala, and sushumna that conduct the life force through the sacral centers. 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_thus refers to all levels of perfection - physical, mental and spiritual.
In tarot cards, for example, the meaning of 21 is "World" and it symbolizes the entire existential plane of the earth with all its inherent diversity and complexity.
We can quite simply relate the said explanation to Uttarashadu and her ten deities, Ten Vishvadevas.
Gotra (Divine Origin)
Uttarashada is associated with Sage Kratu, one of the seven divine sages who “oversee” the events of our galaxy. His name is translated as "inspirer". In a way, too Uttarashadai one of the main functions is to inspire others, once her own deity sets an example to follow. Since Sage Kratu is associated only with benign nakshatras, we can conclude that he plays the same role in the divine realms.
Correction (healing)
Labākā dziedināšana tiem, kuriem nakšatra ir cietusi no kaitīgiem faktoriem, ir Ganesha pielūgšana, jo Ganesha ir tas, kas removes obstacles and bestows wisdom. Repeating the root mantras "Om Bha" and "Om Bham" 108 times can be applied when the Moon transits this nakshatra or the corresponding lunar month. This will reduce suffering and bring some enlightenment to the individual's life. Also, persons to whom this nakshatra gives positive energy can increase the good effects by repeating the mentioned mantras 108 times.
It is auspicious for individuals to wear orange, yellow, light blue or white colored clothing.
For starting important activities, the directions of the celestial bodies favorable to the nakshatra should be used.
Swami Vivekananda was born with rising Uttarashadu in his ascendant. Through his personality and deeds he manifests all 10 true qualities associated with the presiding deities of this nakshatra.
Various additions
According to Varahamihiru those born with the Moon in this nakshatra are “ reserved, attractive, grateful, successful, have many friends and dharma 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_keeps its promise”.
Book of Nakshatras, Prash Trivedi
Translated by Vedic astrologer Ingūna Birzniece